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Screen Printing


Officially Billygoat Silk- Screen and Design is OPERATING!! I am so excited. With a lot of hard work from my awesome hubby, he has made it possible for me to facilitate my passion and operate my business.

So get ready to set sails with me in Ukee...

Also a very exciting prospect as been proposed to me about teaching classes. A summer schedule with details will be posted soon. Start brain storming and preparing your pictures... ahhh, sweet t-shirt heaven.

Charissa :)


Silk screening press

Sourced out some printing equipment... only had to catch two ferries. Travelled from Ucluelet to Campbell River(long drive)then caught the first ferry to Quadra Island and from there went to Cortez Island. It was a neat adventure and a great deal since the equipment was so far out of the way.
The feeling of coming home with all this equipment was quite overwhelming and exciting at the same time. Thanks to David and Julie for lending out the flatbed! Now to get all this stuff up a tiny flight of stairs to the second floor of the shop.